
Showing posts from May, 2018

A trip of a lifetime...

Primarily interested in pictures? Click here for my favorite 40 shots, and here for the broader 260 picture travel log. Read on if you are interested in the story behind the photos :) I've been fascinated with Machu Picchu since I was a little boy.  The National Geographic magazine adventure articles about a mysterious ancient city built on an impossible mountain top in the Peruvian Andes by a long lost pre-Columbian Native American culture captivated a impressionable young boy who's life story at the time had been played out within a 10 mile radius of his home. I've dreamt about seeing it in person for many years.  But, for some reason, I hadn't realized how accessible it had become until a rash of friends ticked it off their bucket list within the past year. So, you can imagine my response when some close friends asked if we would be interested in joining them on a hiking trip that ended with a visit to Machu Picchu.  I was ready to sign up immediately!...

The Escape Room challenge...

I’m sure most of you know I’m a firm believer in the power of a team.  A high performing team can accomplish feats that to others seem utterly impossible.  This year’s Super Bowl winners, my hometown Philadelphia Eagles, are a powerful example of this.  Down several key players due to injury, including their likely league MVP quarterback had he not been injured, they accomplished what most thought was impossible.  They were underdogs in each of their playoff games. With their previously discarded back-up quarterback, they defeated the most dominant NFL team in recent history lead by possibly the greatest NFL quarterback of all time.  Asked afterward, every player cited “team” as the primary reason they prevailed.  I get choked up every time I watch Jason Kelce’s epic speech from Philly’s Super Bowl parade.  Who wouldn’t want to be a member of that team?? While not super bowl winners, I’ve been fortunate enough to be a member of a ...