and the next chapter begins...

I’ve spent the last few months contemplating the next chapter of my career. I use "career" metaphorically as I’ve been very fortunate and have had a full and rewarding formal business career. My motivations are somewhat different at this stage of my life as I’m more interested in adding value and making a difference versus position, title, or rank.
My seven-month assignment in Dubai last year proved to me that I was not quite ready to retire. I enjoyed the experience even though it was over 6000 miles from home and required enduring 45C (115F) temperatures coupled with oppressive humidity. I enjoyed it because it was very rewarding professionally. I felt my presence had a positive impact on the customers and employees in the Middle East. 
I realized that feeling of meaningful accomplishment was missing from my retired life and that I needed to fill that gap. The experience also reaffirmed my passion for Higher Education's mission. 
I had engaged with a couple of very worthwhile volunteer organizations prior to my departure to Dubai. They were high quality organizations that make significant contributions to the local community and I’ll stay involved with at least one of them. However, Higher Education's potential to positively impact the future of our global society is unparalleled. 
So, the stage was set. I set my sights on discovering a role where I could have a positive impact in Higher Education.
I contemplated several alternatives including working at an individual institution, working for an established Higher Education consulting firm, being an independent Higher Education consultant, and working for a commercial firm that provided goods and/or services to Higher Education institutions.
I decided on the latter. The other alternatives limited my impact to those institutions I personally engaged with. The latter offers the potential to leverage my contributions for the benefit of all the organization’s customers. 
Given this selection, I suspect most reading this will assume my preference was to return to Ellucian. Surprisingly, that assumption would be wrong…
I had the honor to spend 40 amazing years with Ellucian and its predecessor companies. That collection of companies offered me opportunities I could not have imagined, nor planned for, and I will be forever grateful for those experiences. But, after 40 years, I felt I’d given Ellucian everything I knew how to give. Therefore, I turned my attention to finding an organization where I felt my experience could significantly improve its service to Higher Education.
I’ll admit to being rather selective at this stage. I established a set of minimum requirements... The company had to be fiscally secure, Higher Education had to be core to its mission, it had to be willing & able to invest in its Higher Education offering(s), it needed a demonstrable track record of customer centricity, my style had to fit into its corporate culture, I had to trust & respect its leadership, I had to be comfortable with its ownership structure, and finally, I needed to feel I could have a meaningful positive impact.
Without further ado, I’m joining Campus Management Corporation on March 1st as Vice President for Strategic Innovation.
I won’t go into the details as this is not intended to be a commercial for Campus Management. Suffice it to say that Campus Management met all of the above requirements, and more... I’m happy to speak with anyone personally should you be interested in the details.
I have to admit; the hardest part of this decision was coming to grips with competing against my Ellucian colleagues. Part of me felt like I was betraying them as I consider them as friends not colleagues. However, I’m a firm believer that fair & healthy competition is good for everyone involved. It forces all of us to be better and the Higher Education community will be the prime beneficiary.
I’m excited and feel blessed to have another opportunity to serve the Higher Education community!!
And the next chapter begins…


  1. Congratulations Jack!! Never hold passion inside.

  2. Best of luck to you Jack. You will be awesome wherever you are.

  3. Congratulations Jack- I am approaching same decision like making...Campus Management is lucky to have you on board'
    Pat Fenn


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