Confessions of a car snob...
OK, I’m a car snob. There, I said it... Guilty as charged! I have always loved cars. I had dozens of cool matchbox cars as a little kid, my school notebooks were full of hot-rod sketchings, I knew the name of every car on the road, I got my learners permit the day I turned 16, and ignoring my parent’s trepidation, was driving their land yacht solo shortly thereafter. I purchased my first car, a beautiful blue 1971 Camaro, as soon as I could afford to own one while I was in college. I’ve spent a small fortune on car magazines, and a much larger fortune on the real things. To me, cars are not merely a way to get from point A to point B - oh don’t I wish... Unfortunately, I see them as works of art, fashion statements, something to be admired, and yes, even lusted after. Given these views, it’s no surprise that I value style and design above pure functionality. Don’t get me wrong, I believe a vehicle has to meet its functional requirements, it must be well engineered, and built to a very...