
Showing posts from August, 2018

You can't remove the darkness from a room...

...but you can fill it with light! I've been obsessed with those words since they were spoken by performing artist  Lindsey Stirling at a concert Carol and I attended last Saturday. Firstly, I recognize the issues I'm about to discuss are "1st world" in nature and pale in comparison to the truly serious issues faced by so many people in this world.  I share this in the hope that the coping mechanisms explained below may be of assistance. The last few weeks have been a bit difficult for me. I've traveled five out of the last six weeks. Three of those trips involved a Saturday or Sunday, or both, and all were three days or more in duration. Meeting timings, time zone differences and flight availability conspired to require an extra night's stay on three of the trips as options to fly east across the country in the late afternoon are limited. Adding insult to injury, the late afternoon meeting or event that necessitated the extra overnight was canceled ...